
Schwimmverein Donaukanal hosted by KUNST HAUS WIEN

Untere Weißgerberstraße 13
1030 Wien

Der Schwimmverein Donaukanal will den Genuss des urbanen Schwimmens wiederbeleben. Mit unseren Schließfächern und Umkleidekabinen sind wir zu Gast im Hof des Kunst Haus Wien. Der Donaukanal bietet 850.000 m2 großen, flüssigen, erfrischenden öffentlichen Raum! Dort zu schwimmen ist erlaubt und es lassen sich fast vergessene Stadterfahrungen machen. /

Schwimmverein Donaukanal re-activates the pleasure of urban swimming. With our lockers and changing cabins we are hosted by Kunst Haus Vienna. The Donaukanal offers 850.000 m2 of liquid, refreshing public space! Swimming there is legal and an almost forgotten unique experience of the city.

June 24

Feature in esel.at

angewandte festival

The Schwimmverein Donaukanal live streamed from the Donaukanal during the angewandte festival program. This day the conditions did not allow to swim: 
– heavy rainfalls the days before 
– high water in Donaukanal 
– Wienfluss water level was higher than usual
– the watercolor was brownish instead of a more greenish color 
– the current was too strong and the river was way too fast to go inside

still we took a footbath and started a conversation about the Schwimmverein Acitivities and in general the potential of the Kanal as our shared liquid public space. 

**also it was the launch of the Schwimmverein Donaukanal Merch designed and made by Ana Mumzlade and Amelie Schlemmer

June 15

Schwimmverein Donaukanal Video

June 25

Angewandte Festival


Swimmung: we meet at Urania Entrance at 13.15

Live stream: starts 13.30 on angewandtefestival.at/schwimmvereindonaukanal

Ana Mumzlade ~ Fabian Ritzi ~ Amelie Schlemmer ~ Amanda Sperger ——

Everyone is invited to join – the tour along the Donaukanal, where we start to read this Viennese water differently and ultimately go for a swim – or in the middle of a homely live stream on. 
Flanierend lassen wir uns vom Strom des Donaukanals treiben und lernen, dieses Wiener Gewässer anders zu lesen und anschließend darin zu schwimmen. Alle sind eingeladen – ob direkt an der Promenade oder im heimeligen Live-Strom.

June 12

Collective Swim

ab Augartenbrücke

Our first swim with a larger group of friends and interested swimmers – with of course keeping ‘social distance’...

May 19

Innenstadt Schwimmung

Höhe Schottenring, 1200 Wien

Making the Arctivity a regular thing to do within the Schwimmverein Donaukanal team.

May 8

Erster Schwumm

Höhe Rotundenbrücke, 1200 Wien 

After a long phase of social distancing and spending time at home we had our first swim – the water still below 15 degrees – a refreshing and motivating experience.

März 1–30


@our homes 

Due to Corona Self- Isolation and staying inside we practiced ‘Trockenschwimmen’ in our homes and imagined being and swimming at and in the Donaukanal already.

February 4

Founding Schwimmverein Donaukanal

Social Design Studio, 
die angewandte, Vordere Zollamtstraße 7, 4.Stock, 1030 Wien 

The first meeting and the inital founding of the mission: swimming in the Donaukanal should become Mainstream!