︎ FAQ

frequently asked questions


Swimming in the Donaukanal is recommended for good swimmers only, that feel secure and comfortable in water at all times. Previous experience in open water swimming is desirable:  in lakes, other rivers or in the sea. Donaukanal swimmers need to be able to assess the changing situations at the Donaukanal and adapt accordingly. Swimming in Donaukanal is at your own risk.


Swimming in Donaukanal can’t be legal?

Swimming is generally allowed in the Donaukanal although it is no official swimming spot.

Only in a 100m radius around objects like landing stages of ships or working platforms and the watergates (Nussdorfer Schleuse) swimming is strictly forbidden.

The Donaukanal water is too polluted, right?

Generally the water quality is the same as in the rest of the Danube.

No wastewaters go into the canal uncleared.

Of course, as with Danube and other waters in Vienna: after heavy rainfalls and in case of high water it is not recommended to swim, as the water quality drops in these situations. There could be overflowing wastewater Kanals and other dirt washed into our rivers. This condition is usually cleared after a few days. As swimming water quality is monitored on qualified swimming spots in Vienna, it is recommended to check the current water quality updates for swimming spots such as Neue Donau and Alte Donau and consider the information as directly comparable to the water quality of the Donaukanal.

But look at the color of the water it looks really dirty doesn’t it?

The color of the water is affected by the soil runoff and sediments  that the Danube is carrying,  this is normal for a fast-flowing stream of that size.

If the water color is changing from green to brown and carries leaves and even branches, this is a sign that the water quality changed due to rainfalls and overflow. In this case swimming is not recommended.

And the strong current?

The current of the Donaukanal is a risk for inexperienced swimmers. However, good swimmers can easily enter and exit Donaukanal.

As an example the river Aare in the city of Berne in Switzerland is enjoyed by thousands of swimmers on a sunny summer day – even though the current is way wilder than in the Donaukanal.

In fact being carried by the stream is a very pleasurable urban experience. It's a fully immersive experience, a way to explore the city from a completely different eye-level  than in usual everyday activities.